How long does scuba certification take?

A basic scuba certification, also known as a “open water” or “diver’s first aid” course, will allow you to dive in any body of water. You’ll learn how to understand dive profiles and the effects of different depths on your body, plus some skills for emergency situations. It’s a good idea to take an open water course before doing more advanced training like technical diving or learning how to dive at night. If you’re interested in pursuing certification, here’s what you’ll need:


When you’re ready to dive into the deep blue sea, there are a few steps you’ll need to take before diving in. Simply put, scuba certification is all about proving that you have the right skills and knowledge to safely dive underwater. But what exactly does it mean?

It’s important to know that there’s a difference between getting your “scuba certification” and actually going on dives—you can’t dive without first getting certified. In other words, scuba certification and scuba diving go hand-in-hand; they’re not independent of each other!

Getting your PADI Open Water Diver certification requires at least four days of study followed by an actual open water dive test with an instructor or professional diver. The total cost for this course ranges from about $500-$900 depending on where you live and where/how often you can travel for lessons (it may also depend on whether or not there are any discounts available).

What to expect?

Scuba certification is a long process, but it’s worth it. It takes time to learn the skills and knowledge required for each level of certification. There are many different levels of scuba certification and there are several ways to get certified, so decide which method is best suited for you and your skill level. You’ll need to learn how to use scuba gear, how to breathe underwater and how to use your dive computer

How to get started?

The best way to get started is by taking a scuba diving course. There are many scuba schools out there, so you should be able to find one near you with relative ease. Some of the more popular schools are PADI, NITROX, and Career Divers.

A good place to start looking for a school is through your local dive shop; they’ll be able to tell you which schools have good reputations and teach quality courses that will prepare graduates for certification in no time at all.

Certification and licensing requirements

Some states require additional certification and/or licensing. Check with your state’s SCUBA program to find out if you need any additional training or paperwork before you start your course. You’ll want to make sure that all of the requirements are met before signing up for a course, as many scuba diving schools will not accept students who do not have their safety certifications in place.

Generally speaking, there are a few things you’ll need to be able to do when entering into an open water dive:

Be at least 15 years old (some courses may have higher age requirements)

Pass a basic swim test

Have a medical exam that shows no signs of heart disease or other chronic health conditions (the doctor will also give some advice on how often you should continue with this check-up)

How long does it really take?

This can vary widely depending on the program, your experience level and the scuba school you choose. Some programs require more dives for certification than others and some programs offer an accelerated schedule if you have previous diving experience.

How long does it really take?

If you are new to diving, expect to spend at least 20-30 hours in class before you get into the water for your first dive (more if you are doing your deep specialty course). This is excluding open water training which can vary from a day or two up to several weeks depending on what type of scuba program you select.

Cost of scuba certification

The cost of scuba certification is usually a lot less than you think. It’s important to understand that there are many different programs and certifications out there, and the price will vary depending on where you get your training. Your instructor may have some extra costs associated with them (such as rental gear or equipment), but if you’re considering taking a course through an online school like PADI or NAUI, then the most expensive part of your certification will be paying for the class itself.

The cost of scuba diving certification includes everything you need: materials, classroom time and pool sessions (if required by your program). You can expect to pay between $200 USD and $700 USD for most recreational diver courses (depending on whether they include open water dives) if done locally–more if it’s done online!


Scuba certification can take longer than you might think, but it’s worth the time investment.

In order to become a certified scuba diver, you’ll have to spend many hours not only learning how to dive but also learning all of the safety precautions that come along with it. You’ll need to pass multiple tests covering both theory and practice in order for your certification agency (like PADI or NAUI) to grant you your certification card. In addition, before completing these tests, you’ll need to practice diving in a pool first so that if something happens underwater in real life (like running out of air), then at least we know how our bodies will react when faced with such an emergency situation during our training sessions above water first instead of waiting until later when things get serious!


If you think about all the time and money you’ll spend on scuba certification, it may seem like a daunting task. However, when you consider the benefits, it’s easy to see why so many people are willing to invest in a long-term commitment like this one. The truth is that scuba certification is an investment that pays off in so many ways—not only as an important first step toward enjoying life underwater but also as a path toward lifelong personal growth and adventure. Whether or not you end up pursuing other careers related to your new skill set (like becoming a professional diving instructor), having this knowledge will certainly help keep life interesting as time goes on. So if any of this sounds appealing? Then go ahead: start your journey today!

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