How to defog a scuba mask?

Scuba masks are designed to keep water out, but they do let some air in. This means that the inside of your mask can get foggy or hazy if you’re underwater for a long time. You’ll need to be able to see what’s around you as you dive or swim, and this can be hard if your scuba mask is fogged up! So, How to defog a scuba mask? Luckily, there are several ways that you can prevent this from happening:

What causes a scuba mask to fog?

There are many different causes of a scuba mask fogging. Some of these causes are:

  • Humidity From Your Breathing

When you’re breathing through your mouth and nose, it can cause a lot of moisture to be absorbed into the mask. This is especially true in cold conditions when you tend to exhale faster than normal due to the cool temperature. Also, if you’ve just finished swimming or diving and have just removed your mask, it may be very damp with water droplets on the inside surface. Once those drops hit the inside surface of your dive mask, they’ll quickly begin to condensate and eventually become foggy if left alone for too long without any ventilation holes being open

How to prevent a scuba mask from fogging?

The best way to keep your mask from fogging is to keep it dry. Before you dive, make sure your mask is completely dry and free from any residue that might prevent water from passing through its walls. You should also clean the inside of your mask regularly with a mild soap and warm water. This can be done by submerging the bottom half of your face in warm water for about 30 seconds before rinsing off with cold tap water.

Do not touch or rub the inside of your mask once it’s been cleaned—doing so will only cause more fogging problems as oils are transferred from your skin onto its surface.

And finally (as if all this wasn’t enough), don’t sleep with a scuba mask on! Likewise, don’t wear one when you’re sick or sweaty; both conditions make it much more likely that moisture will build up inside the mask’s lens which increases chances for fogging issues due to condensation forming over time…

Soap and water

Soap and water is not the best solution to your defogging problem, but it works. It’s also the cheapest, easiest and most environmentally friendly option available to you.

If you are looking for a more permanent solution that doesn’t involve scrubbing away at your mask with a toothbrush or baby shampoo everyday, consider coating the inside of your mask with anti-fog liquid or gel. This will help prevent future fogging issues as well as make it easier to clean up any leftover residue from previous fogging episodes!

Baby shampoo

The first step to clearing up a fogged mask is to rinse out the condensation that has gathered on it. You can use a soft cloth, or a paper towel, or even just your fingers—but make sure you rinse it off completely! If there’s any residue left behind when you put the mask back on your face, it will quickly get fogged up again.

Next comes drying: simply letting your scuba mask dry overnight isn’t enough; you need to give it an extra boost by using an anti-fog spray like Aqua Sphere’s Anti Fog Spray (which we highly recommend). This stuff works great and only takes seconds to apply—just don’t forget about that second step!

And finally…did someone say “baby oil”? Yep—there are some people who swear by this method as well. Baby oil is less likely than shampoo or other products designed specifically for snorkeling masks because most shampoos contain alcohol which can cause additional problems with fogging later down the road; however if you do choose this route make sure not too much gets inside since this might cause some leakage issues as well.


To clean your mask, you can use a dab of toothpaste. Rub it in with a soft cloth and then rinse with water. If you are having trouble getting rid of fog on your mask, do this process again until the fog disappears. Do not use toothpaste on your face or any other part of your body!

Antifogging compounds

If you have a silicone-based defogger, it will be more effective than one that is alcohol based. Alcohol is a solvent and may damage the rubber in your mask. Petroleum and wax are also not recommended because they can cause damage to the glass and frame of your mask.

What else should I do?

If you’re having trouble clearing your mask, try these solutions:

  • A defogging solution is often the best option for getting rid of fog on a scuba diving mask. These solutions include anti-fog liquids and sprays that are applied to the inside of the mask before diving. They can be found at most dive shops and supply stores.
  • You can also use a defogging spray or cloth to clear out any moisture that’s building up while you’re underwater. They come in different forms; some are liquid sprays, while others are pre-moistened cloths designed specifically for this use.
  • If you don’t have access to these products but do have toothpaste (and maybe even baby shampoo!), they’ll work in a pinch! Just make sure not to rub too hard—you don’t want any abrasions on your face! If nothing else works though… well… just swear off diving forever because clearly none of us can ever go into water again without risking our lives at such great depths where no man should ever tread.”

What not to do!

While some of the methods we’ve listed above are perfectly safe, there are also a few that you should avoid. Don’t:

  • Dry your mask in the sun. This will only serve to warp and damage the silicone.
  • Use a blow dryer on it. You can easily burn off the seals on your mask and make matters worse, as well as potentially shatter the lenses inside.
  • Use alcohol on it (or any other liquid solvent). This could dissolve the sealant used in manufacturing your mask, allowing water to seep through cracks and leak into your eyes while you’re diving!
  • Use toothpaste or similar products designed specifically for cleaning glass surfaces like mirrors or windows—these will also damage this part of your scuba gear!

Use the tips above to defog your scuba mask.

  • Avoid using alcohol and benzocaine based products. These can damage your mask.
  • Use a clean, soft cloth to wipe the mask. It’s best if this cloth is used only for this purpose so you don’t transfer any dirt or oil from your hands onto it.
  • Use a fresh cloth for each application of the solution to avoid spreading bacteria on all of them in one go!
  • Don’t use cotton balls, they will leave lint behind on your mask and cause more fogging problems later on!


It’s important to remember that defogging your mask should be a temporary solution. If the problem persists, you should probably get it checked by a professional. The last thing you want is to be underwater and suddenly start losing your vision because of something as small as condensation on your faceplate.

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