Author name: Aneen Jim

Aneen is a contributor and writer of this website. He loves spending time on the computer and working on innovative stuff. She is writing for different platform since 4 years

Nitrogen Narcosis

Nitrogen Narcosis

Nitrogen narcosis is caused by the absorption of nitrogen into the body tissues. This occurs as a result of changes in pressure at depth. Nitrogen narcosis can affect all divers, regardless of age or physical condition and is not limited to just one type of dive or one type of diving equipment. It is the […]

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How many scuba dives per day?

How many scuba dives you can do per day?

You’ve probably heard the saying “diving is like riding a bicycle,” but that’s not true. Diving is actually like riding a bicycle on an inclined plane. Because of this, it’s important to understand how altitude affects your scuba diving limits—especially since most people dive near the surface, where there are no other factors affecting safety

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Scuba Gear Weigh

Scuba Gear Weigh

So you’ve decided to take up scuba diving and are starting to look into equipment. If you’re like me, you may have wondered “how much does scuba gear weigh?”. You’re in luck! I’ll cover all your questions about how much does scuba gear weigh and why this is important in this article. Buy a scuba

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