How to clean a scuba mask?

Scuba diving is one of the most exciting sports imaginable. It makes you feel like you’re a part of another world and gives you a chance to explore the ocean depths in safety. However, as with any activity that places your face in close proximity to water, it’s important to ensure your mask stays clean and clear at all times. So, How to clean a scuba mask?

Cleaning a scuba mask

You can clean your scuba mask using baking soda and toothpaste mixed with water. This will help remove any build up of dirt and grime.

Use a soft cloth to wipe your mask until it is clean. Pat dry with a soft towel, but do not rub the material too hard as this may damage the surface of the lens or faceplate.

Storing your scuba mask upside down is recommended so that any moisture that has built up inside can drain out through its breathing valves, which are located on either side of the front of the snorkel strap, also known as its head strap or chin strap depending on how you want to refer to it! Do not hang by these straps though as they are designed for hanging only when they’re attached inside their storage case!

Cleaning a scuba mask takes time and care

You should clean your scuba mask at least once a month. This is the best way to keep it in great condition, and it will last longer if you take care of it properly.

Make sure that you buy the right cleaning products for the job, as there are different kinds of masks in existence today.

If you have any questions about how to clean scuba mask or which product works best with your specific type of mask then contact us!

Reports from Scuba divers

Scuba divers have reported that a scuba mask can last up to seven years if it is cared for correctly, so take care of it.

Scuba masks are made of silicone, which is a flexible material. It is not indestructible, however, and can be damaged by chemicals or hard objects such as fingernails. Be careful to avoid letting dirt build up on the mask during use.

The best way to clean your mask

The best way to clean your mask is to prevent the dirt from building up in the first place. To do this, you should clean your mask after every dive. This will prevent the dirt and other particles from getting into the seal on your mask and affect how well it works. It also reduces how often you have to clean it later on down the road when it has built up more than usual.

If you are using a goggle with removable lenses, then washing only those parts of the goggle that can be removed is enough for maintenance purposes; however, if you do not have this option (such as some older models), then cleaning everything at once will be necessary regardless of whether or not there is any visible grime present at that time because of what could have been deposited inside during previous use over time.

Rinse every time you dive

Every time you dive, rinse the mask with fresh water for at least 30 seconds or until there are no bubbles left. This is a good way to remove salt and other debris from your mask. The best way to do this is in a sink, but if you don’t have access to one, rinse your mask in the shower using lukewarm water.

Deep clean your mask

If these measures are not enough, you will have to deep clean your mask.

How to clean a scuba mask? Use a soft cloth and a soft toothbrush. Use warm water and mild soap (such as dishwashing liquid). Do not use harsh chemicals, petroleum based products or abrasives (such as Comet or Ajax).

Do not use any cleaners that contain alcohol – this can damage the silicone rubber seals in the mask.

Use baking soda and toothpaste

To clean the lenses of your mask, you can use baking soda and toothpaste mixed with water. Gently rub it on the lenses using a soft cloth. Be sure not to use a paper towel as this will scratch your lenses.

Don’t use soap because it will damage the silicone and plastic material used in the lens of your scuba diving mask or snorkeling mask.

Cheap methods

These methods work well and will prevent the need for expensive cleaning solutions.

Regularly cleaning your mask is one of the most important things you can do for its longevity. Bacteria, mold and algae are common marine life that grow on our masks, which reduces visibility and increases fogging when diving. A good rule of thumb is to clean your mask after each dive by using a toothbrush or an old toothbrush with soft bristles (not hard plastic). This can be done by scrubbing around all areas of the lens with a small amount of baking soda mixed with water until it looks clean again; then rinse thoroughly before patting dry with a soft towel. Let it air-dry in front of you so that no moisture gets trapped inside! Store upside down on a flat surface away from other gear—do not hang up by its straps!

After cleaning your mask

Once you have cleaned the lenses dry by patting them with a soft towel, then store the mask upside down on a flat surface away from any other gear. Do not hang your mask up by its straps as this will stretch them out prematurely.

  • Store the mask upside down on a flat surface away from other gear and in a place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight or extreme heat or cold.
  • Do not store your mask with its strap attached as this will stretch them out prematurely.


“Cleaning a scuba mask is a very important part of the dive experience. It will help keep you safe and comfortable while in the water.”

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