What happens if you pee in the ocean while scuba diving?

So you’re scuba diving and you gotta pee. What do you do? This is a common question among divers, and it’s one that I get asked all the time. The answer is simple: Do at your own risk! However, there’s nothing more natural than peeing in the ocean while diving because you’re underwater anyways. We’re almost all mammals here, so we need to go shit just like other mammals do too.

But before you make any decisions about whether or not to urinate underwater, let’s talk about what happens when urine enters marine environments like oceans and rivers.

Peeing during diving can attract sharks.

If you’re going to pee in the ocean, you should do it carefully. Sharks have a keen sense of smell and will be attracted to your urine. They can smell a single drop of urine from miles away and are more likely to attack if they think they’ve found blood (urine is a sign of blood). Peeing in the water near dive boats can also attract sharks, as divers often urinate overboard before diving. Other reports suggest that peeing directly on scuba gear or using it as a rinse for your hands after using the toilet is enough to attract sharks, even if it doesn’t get into the water itself.

Peeing in the ocean is a marine biohazard.

Peeing in the ocean should never be done. It is a marine biohazard and can cause serious damage to marine life, both large and small. Here’s why:

  • Urine contains phosphates and nitrogen, which encourage the growth of algae and bacteria.
  • Urine can act as a nutrient source for phytoplankton (tiny ocean plants) which are then eaten by animals higher up on the food chain like krill and fish, who will then become toxic to predators who consume them because of these toxins.
  • Sharks are attracted to urine smells from miles away because shark senses have evolved over time to detect blood from far away sources so they can find prey faster than other sharks would be able to do so otherwise – this means that if you pee in an area where there are many other people around or near you at all times (like on deck), there’s a chance that someone might accidentally get bitten due entirely because their natural instincts kicked into gear while they were swimming around nearby while trying not fall overboard themselves!

Peeing in the ocean depletes oxygen levels.

Peeing in the ocean is a big no-no. The reason for this is that urine contains ammonia, which is toxic to fish and can cause nitrogen to be released into the water. Nitrogen is a nutrient that causes algae blooms, which are harmful to marine life and can lead to anoxia—the depletion of oxygen levels.

Ammonia also reacts with chlorine in swimming pools and hot tubs, creating chloramines that irritate skin and eyes. These chemicals can cause respiratory problems such as asthma attacks if you’re exposed for too long.

Peeing in the ocean can cause rashes and infections.

As it turns out, peeing in the ocean can lead to rashes and infections. In fact, urine is a rich source of nutrients for bacteria. It contains nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as salts and minerals.

In addition to leading to rashes and infections, urine can also cause skin irritation and burns on your legs if you’re wearing flippers or fins while doing so.

Everyone has to pee and sometimes being underwater is no excuse. But DON’T pee in the ocean!

Whether you’re diving in the Caribbean or exploring coral reefs off the coast of Florida, everyone has to pee. You don’t want to stop and run back to your boat every time nature calls, so it’s important for divers to know how to pee underwater without getting in trouble.

The first thing you need to know is: Don’t pee into a current! If there is any chance that someone could be swimming through your stream of urine, then just hold it as long as possible. Otherwise, do what you gotta do—just keep an eye out for marine life and make sure not to aim at them (or any other humans).


If you can’t hold it and there’s no toilet nearby, then just don’t pee in the ocean. Don’t risk getting a rash or infection from peeing in salty water, and don’t attract sharks by pissing in their habitat either. If you’re not sure if you should go or not, just hold it until you get back to shore!

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